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A (not so) Brief Introduction

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” A question that most of us start to get asked in early childhood, and a question I always had a hard time answering. I just wanted to be a kid, play in the creek with my friends, and eat ice cream. I enjoyed what was happening in front of me. The ‘now’ if you will. But since the expected answer to that question is usually an occupation, I’d answer with that. And I always found that answer changing. One week a professional ice hockey player, the next a neurosurgeon, the next an ice cream taste tester(it’s an obsession ok). Eventually I realized I could never just be one thing. I wanted to be everything.


I was always infatuated with movies, and would stand in front of the TV repeating lines and doing my best imitation of every character that came on screen. Once I was old enough to learn that the characters were not actually real, that they were just regular people who got to become someone/something else, I knew that I wanted to ‘be’ just like them. Out of high school, I attended the Toronto Academy of Acting for Film and Television, and after a brief stint working in the industry, I enrolled at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. I studied in both Los Angeles and New York, where I’ve discovered my love of live theatre. I still don't really know what I want to be, but I have no intention of growing up any time soon. 


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Taking the work seriously is important to me, but as you may see by this website, not taking myself too seriously is just as important. I love to have fun and create strong relationships with who I'm working with. I believe the process should always be more enjoyable than the end result. 


I love what I do and I work extremely hard at it. I'm always looking for new projects, created by like minded individuals that I can learn from. I take pride in my professionalism, passion, perseverance, and ability for alliteration. 


If you're still reading this and are interested in working with me, please reach out! No matter how small or how big the project, I would love to hear about what you might have in the works. And even if not, thank you for taking the time to read thus far. 

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